Changes are afoot

Changes are afoot

Phitzone has seen some changes over the last year and a half, from the hiatus of the ezine to the addition of the blog.

The improvement train keeps rolling along. You will notice that the old landing page is gone, and now come straight to the blog. Makes sense, because this is where all of the meat is anyway. On top of that, it really served no purpose. So, it’s gone.

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. – John F. Kennedy

The forum, while having a lot of potential, was nothing more than a dumping spot for spammers. I spent too much time banning them, and deleting their posts. And, since nobody else was using it anyway, I figured what the hay, it’s outta here.

What does that leave us with? Simple, doing less and getting more. We have the blog. The whole purpose of PhitZone is to provide quality content to our readers. This was the purpose of IN THE ZONE as well, which was the beginning. Now, we can concentrate only on the blog. Writing the best, most informative posts. Bringing you, our readers, the quality that you demand.

Hang on. It only gets better from here.

EDIT Please be patient with the full article posts. I am having problems getting the permalinks to work correctly. I am working with our hosting company, and it should be resolved shortly.


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